Aldo Leopold, Writer & School
Aldo Leopold is the guiding spirit at the New Mexico charter school where I teach. My hope is that the links on this page will offer you a glimpse of Leopold the writer and why he matters--along with a sneak peak at our school.
"Thinking Like a Mountain," Aldo Leopold's best-known essay
"Poetry for Scientists," a reflection on Leopold's essay "Escudilla"
"A Monument We Won't Topple," praise for Leopold's most important essay, "The Land Ethic"
Leopold's A Sand County Almanac is widely available in United States libraries and in many other countries; it has been translated into 14 languages as well. If you would like to peruse his book from the comfort of a classroom, you might investigate Open Library, a remarkably vast online collection of photocopied texts. Or you can visit my classroom, where I always have a few spares on my shelves.